Steve Libby

Biosafety Consultant

Steve Libby has been working in the field of molecular biology and bacterial pathogenesis for over 30 years. He holds a BS in Biology and PhD in Biology. He switched fields following his PhD work to study bacterial genetics and molecular pathogenesis. He did post-doctoral training at Scripps Research Institute and the University of California, San Diego before taking a faculty position at North Carolina State University, Department of Microbiology. At NC State, he served on the Institutional Biosafety Committee and participated in the post-9/11 transformation that many Biosafety committees did during this time. In 2003, he accepted a position at the University of Washington, Department of Laboratory Medicine as a Research Associate Professor and was also awarded an Affiliate position in the Department of Microbiology. He has authored 61 academic publications and two book chapters. Since arriving at the UW, he has been on the Institutional Biosafety Committee and assumed being the Chair in 2014. He also continues to serve on the UW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. He remains an active investigator, working at the bench. He is responsible for overseeing a mouse colony, training graduate students and post-doctoral fellows on animal model development and hands-on skill development. He currently works on the genetics and host-pathogen interaction of Salmonella Typhi and Staphylococcus aureus. He is the community IBC member of a local NGO and serves as the chair of the IBC for a non-profit research institute in Seattle.

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